The Essentials of Private Equity

Watch 22 content rich videos to Master the Essentials of Private Equity so you can progress your career, optimise your business, and build your wealth.


Get inside the world of successful investing, career opportunities, and wealth creation in the Private Equity universe.


What's Included In The Essentials of Private Equity


What is Private Equity and What Does a Private Equity Fund Do?


In this module, you will learn what the ultimate goal of Private Equity is and how a Private Equity firm sets about achieving that goal, through a 4-stage process.

Videos in this Module are:

  • An Introduction to the World of Private Equity
  • What Does a Private Equity Firm Actually do?

How Does a Private Equity Firm Raise Money in Order to Buy Companies?


In this module, you will learn what is required to attract capital from professional investors, where that money comes from, and what returns those investors can expect.

Videos in this Module are:

  • The Leadership Team and Their Track Record
  • Fund Scale and Investment Strategy
  • Who Invests in a Private Equity Fund?
  • Attracting and Securing Investors
  • Bonus: Getting a Job in Private Equity

How Does a Private Equity Firm Select Which Companies to Buy?


In this module, you will learn how a Private Equity firm finds companies to invest in, what makes a company attractive to them, and how the investment or deal actually gets done.

Videos in this Module are:

  • How do Private Equity Firms Find Investment Opportunities?
  • What Makes a Company Attractive to Private Equity?
  • What is Due Diligence and How Important is it?
  • Valuing a Company and Negotiating the Deal
  • Bonus: What a Private Equity Firm Really Wants…. Exclusivity



How Does a Private Equity Firm Create Value Inside the Companies they Acquire?


In this module, you will learn how a modern Private Equity firm increases revenue and profit through growth, expansion, and strategic operational improvements.

Videos in this Module are:

  • The Old Myth versus Modern Reality
  • Strategy and Key Performance Goals
  • Developing the C-Suite, Management Team and People
  • Using all Forms of Capital Wisely
  • Board Selection, Corporate Governance and Operational Guidance

How, When, and Why Does a Private Equity Firm Sell Its Investments?


In this module, you will learn how a Private Equity Firm determines when their investment is ready to sell and the practical steps they take to sell that company and return profits to their investors.

 Videos in this Module are:

  • The Ultimate Goal of Private Equity
  • How, When and Why do Private Equity Firms Sell their Companies?
  • The 4 Ways Private Equity Sells Companies
  • What are the Actual Returns to Investors from Private Equity?
  • Thank You from Mark!

The Essentials of Private Equity Course Is For You If You Are...

  • A Financial Advisor or Investment Professional who needs a thorough understanding of Private Equity to speak confidently with your clients
  • A "C-Suite" Executive who wants to be well rewarded by advising, or working directly within, Private Equity as an executive or Non-Executive Director
  • A Successful Business Owner wanting to attract Private Equity at the best possible value now or in the future
  • A Smart and Ambitious Graduate who would love to work in Private Equity and wants to know “how do I get in?”
  • An Individual Investor who wants to invest in Private Equity and know how to gain access to the best returns in the market

I'm Mark Richardson

I’ve had a long career in Private Equity in Australia. It started in 1999, when I founded Wolseley Private Equity after 12 years at Bain & Company.

We raised $400 million of equity from Australian Superannuation Funds and international investors across two Funds.

In total, Wolseley invested almost exactly $1 billion of capital in 13 platform companies in Australia and beyond, resulting in the creation of extraordinary businesses, and exceptional wealth for investors, business owners and managment teams alike.

My goal is to use my knowledge, expertise, and hard-won lessons to provide you with short-cuts to the information you need to pursue your goals and ambitions in the Private Equity community in Australia and beyond.
Learn more about Mark

Dan Liszka

Executive Director, WOBSX (Women on Boards SX) and HUBB (Humans United by Business)

“Over 50 executives from Women on Boards and HUBB have benefited from Mark’s Essentials of Private Equity in person and on-line presentations whether they were experienced executives, business owners or interested investors. In the case of many of the WOB Executives, Mark transformed their understanding of the industry and empowered them to approach Private Equity firms with renewed confidence and insight.”

Susan Watts

Partnerships – Treasury Advisory, Rochford Group

“Mark’s knowledge of the Private Equity field is deep and fascinating. I have personally learned a tremendous amount and value the insights and expertise he brings to educating other professionals in the field.”

Tracey Groves

Non Executive Director, WOBSX

“Mark’s Private Equity Primer simplified and communicated the world of Private Equity for me—this was an essential tool when I attended the Australian Investment Council Conference. It was jammed packed with information and speakers, much of which would have gone over my head if not for Mark’s help! Being more confident with the material also helped me make some great contacts who are giving me some advice in my transition from Executive/C-Suite to Advisory/NED”

Access all 22 videos in The Essentials of Private Equity course and start your journey on any device, anywhere, anytime:


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